Press Release Summary = The first thing in garden making is the selection of a spot.
Without a choice, it means simply doing the best one can with conditions. With space
limited it resolves itself into no garden, or a box garden. Surely a box garden is
better than nothing at all.
Press Release Body = MAKING A GARDEN.
The first thing in garden making is the selection of a spot. Without a choice, it
means simply doing the best one can with conditions. With space limited it resolves
itself into no garden, or a box garden. Surely a box garden is better than nothing
at all.
But we will now suppose that it is possible to really choose just the right site for
the garden. What shall be chosen? The greatest determining factor is the sun. No one
would have a north corner, unless it were absolutely forced upon him; because, while
north corners do for ferns, certain wild flowers, and begonias, they are of little
use as spots for a general garden.
If possible, choose the ideal spot a southern exposure. Here the sun lies warm all
day long. When the garden is thus located the rows of vegetables and flowers should
run north and south. Thus placed, the plants receive the sun's rays all the morning
on the eastern side, and all the afternoon on the western side. One ought not to
have any lopsided plants with such an arrangement.
Suppose the garden faces southeast. In this case the western sun is out of the
problem. In order to get the best distribution of sunlight run the rows northwest
and southeast.
The idea is to get the most sunlight as evenly distributed as possible for the
longest period of time. From the lopsided growth of window plants it is easy enough
to see the effect on plants of poorly distributed light. So if you use a little
diagram remembering that you wish the sun to shine part of the day on one side of
the plants and part on the other, you can juggle out any situation. The southern
exposure gives the ideal case because the sun gives half time nearly to each side. A
northern exposure may mean an almost entire cut-off from sunlight; while
northeastern and southwestern places always get uneven distribution of sun's rays,
no matter how carefully this is planned.
The garden, if possible, should be planned out on paper. The plan is a great help
when the real planting time comes. It saves time and unnecessary buying of seed.
New garden spots are likely to be found in two conditions: they are covered either
with turf or with rubbish. In large garden areas the ground is ploughed and the sod
turned under; but in small gardens remove the sod. How to take off the sod in the
best manner is the next question. Stake and line off the garden spot. The line gives
an accurate and straight course to follow. Cut the edges with the spade all along
the line. If the area is a small one, say four feet by eighteen or twenty, this is
an easy matter. Such a narrow strip may be marked off like a checkerboard, the sod
cut through with the spade, and easily removed.
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